
AWF II – Episode 1: The Beginning

First episode of All’s Well and Fair II (2006 version). This version is being released in 18 parts online – encouraging the viewer to actively participate through comments, response videos and sharing thoughts and videos with others.

Please let us know what you think or just answer this episode’s question: Where were you in 1996?

Watch this episode on YouTube.

Purchase the full 90-minute All’s Well and Fair II (2006 version) limited release DVD via amazon.






17 thoughts on “AWF II – Episode 1: The Beginning

    1.  The town of Alliance has nothing to do with the Christian & Missionary Alliance, right? I would have heard about that before. I thought maybe you would have been in the Bahamas in 1996. Were you already back?

  1. I think it is cool that three girls put together a band for one single performance and WON!  Not only that, now they are in a documentary, which is another kind of win.

    1.  Hah. I’m glad you think that being in a documentary is some kind of a win – especially since you’ve been in one of mine as well 🙂
      The very first spark of making this documentary actually did come from the notion: I love this song, I want to make sure it gets preserved – because they weren’t a regular band and they were never going to play the song again otherwise. So that’s what first brought up the idea of going to the studio and making a documentary about it. It grew from there all the way to today… and into the future…

  2. In 1996 I was in college in Tallahassee, Florida. I was figuring out who I was as an individual and as a young woman, not just in contrast to my parents but also in contrast to my friends and other people around me. At the time, my world felt tumultuous and important but also safe, and I look back at my fervor fondly and a bit wistfully.

    1.  Of course, Tallahassee! So much happened that year that when I first read your comment I didn’t even realize that it was also the year I moved there and we met. It was such a different experience that in my mind it must have happened in a different year from the time I spent in Gainesville.
      Those first years out on ones own are so exciting. It’s different when we look back – so your comment gives me a new perspective of who Kate was then and who all of us were trying to define ourselves and figure out our own path. I’m so glad we took similar routes.
      Like you I think fondly and also maybe wistfully of those times and energies. There are times I wish I was still that person and in that kind of a place. Do you ever think that?

  3. WOW. 1996?!? It was quite a year of new beginnings. I had just got married, lived in Gainesville. Got adopted by an awesome cat and moved to Tallahassee. Thanks for making me remember such a great time of my life.

  4. Well, in 1996 I was graduating from high school in Seattle. A very monumental year for me. I moved out of Washington State for the first time in my life to live in California, I moved the end of summer 1996. Seattle girl meets California girl. yep. that happened. Traded pine trees for Palm Trees, clouds for vacant blue skies, Mount Rainer & the Cascades for the San Gabriel Mountains, and city for suburbia. I had never lived in suburbia before. Yes, Seattle is green and beautiful but it is a city. What a weird year.

    1.  I’m starting to realize more and more how significant and full of changes that particular year was. Maybe it’s our age group. Btw, I’m glad you then traded all those west coast trees for east coast city life.

  5. I like the country song contrasted to the rock song.  They say the same thing in a different way. Very creative.  I’m glad you have preserved what they did.  Oh, and that darling little girl sitting in the car window.  So cute.  Is she the one the mother thought might change the world one day?

    1. The country song in contrast with the punk rock song seems to be a great way to show the country roots and connection for those women.
      The girl sitting in the car window is Tessa, she is Rachel’s daughter, who has the shaved or blue hair in 1996.
      But it’s Margaret who says she wants her daughter to change the world one day.

      1. Hi Jennifer,

        Thank you so much for your interest!

        I’m so sorry you haven’t been able to watch the videos. There has been a glitch between Google and YouTube and it shut down the YouTube channel. I’ve been trying to get them to fix this for two months. Very frustrating! Hopefully, it’ll be fixed soon. Until then you can always purchase the DVD – on or by following the Merchandise link on the website.

        And if you happen to live in Perth, Australia, you can watch the film on TV on August 31st!

        Best wishes,

    1. Hi Steve,
      Thank you so much for your interest!

      I’m so sorry you haven’t been able to watch the videos. There has been a glitch between Google and YouTube and it shut down the YouTube channel. I’ve been trying to get them to fix this for two months. Very frustrating! Hopefully, it’ll be fixed soon. Until then you can always purchase the DVD – on or by following the Merchandise link on the website.

      Best wishes,


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